Updated Documentation For Developers Creating streamlined documentation for new developers is the primary focus of the team. If you're a developer who's interested in the blockchain, this post will highlight some of the advantages Komodo offers over other platforms: https://komodoplatform.com/updated-documentation-for-developers/. Crypto Rich interviews the author of Komodo's whitepaper. Crypto Rich interviews Siddartha who wrote the Komodo whitepaper. He digs into crypto-condition contracts, governance, programmable uxto and the differences in Komodo's DNA. This is an excellent long-form interview that's well worth listening to in full: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N76XdHq_0qs&feature=youtu.be. Rating report from CoinCheckup for Komodo awards an overall rating of 4.1 / 5. The CoinCheckup.com Algo. rates the Komodo coin VERY HIGH. The Algo rating is done based on 30+ facts-based-metrics like; open communication channels, team strength, product strength, GitHub activity, coin performance strength, brand awareness, etc. To see the full report, click here: https://info.binance.com/en/rate/detail/2085. Crypto Conditions ExplainedCrypto Zombie takes a look at Sapling, Komodo's Updates and Crypto Condition Contracts with PTYX (ecosystem dev). PTYX catches up with Crypto Zombie and discusses what's happening in December including the Sapling update, crypto conditions, Komodo's rebranding, and Chainzilla's role in the Komodo ecosystem. He also shares a reminder move any funds in a zero-knowledge address because the addresses are actually changing the format. Watch the full interview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGLxmACK7jQ&feature=youtu.be. Luke Child's pull request has been merged on Ledger. In recent weeks we shared that the pull request had been submitted and that it would allow Ledger to sign Komodo reward claim transactions. Keep your eyes peeled for the Ledger app 1.3.0 update. It will be required to use the interest claim app. You can see the pull request here: https://github.com/LedgerHQ/ledger-app-btc/pull/84.