Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Rise of Blockchain Hubs in Korea

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Carboneum to migrate from Ethereum to ICON Blockchain in Q1 2019 

Editor's Notes

We know you are busy planning for the holidays and probably didn't have time to catch up with everything that's going on in the ICON Republic and the Korean blockchain industry. Fear not, we've got you covered:

The Korean government has ruled to increase the federal budget for blockchain development to $35 million next year. Carboneum, a DApp migrating to the ICON Blockchain in Q1 2019, aims to make investment easy for the masses and is working to expand the ICON network in the Philippines. ICON also announced that ICX will be listed on Bitbox.

What should we cover next? We'd like to hear your ideas. Get in touch on Twitter (@TheIconistNews) or by email at hello@theicon.ist. In the meantime, take a look at our most recent stories below. 

Mariana Peralta
Editor @ The Iconist 

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