Friday, January 4, 2019

Week 01: Komodo's Five Bullet Friday.

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Five Bullet Friday

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 Week 01 


What is CHIPS?

It is currently one of the few coins that have SegWit and Lightning Network enabled. The objective is for the coin to be used in the Pangea Poker dAPP that is currently being developed on Komodo Platform as well as allowing this project to be integrated into any other gaming or gambling system that may want to employ it as it actively supports micro-transactions and has exceptionally low fees.


Here's a sneak peek of the Ledger $KMD Reward Claim app which is finally done!

"We've implemented full BIP44 account discovery, so all of your $KMD accounts and addresses in Ledger Live will be detected. And once the rewards have been claimed with our app you'll see the updated balance in Ledger Live." - Luke Childs,

Crypto Penguin's Fundamental Analysis of Komodo

This is an independent and unsolicited article published on The Birb Nest on Medium. and looks at the token utility, token economies, the team roadmap and the competition. We don't guarantee that all of the information is correct, however, if you have any questions please reply to this email and we'll answer them. Read here:

Komodo compared to Ethereum & ETH architecture problems

This short post is about energy efficient bitcoin miners seeking renewable energy as an economic solution. Komodo dPoW is explained briefly, which provides blockchain security and entry into secure & scalable sharding solutions not available to existing blockchain sharding consensus protocols. Read more:

Crypto Theses for 2019

An interesting Medium article, that contains wide-ranging theses. It's a good round-up of 2018 and long from dive into what's coming up in 2019 by Arjun Balaji. It's not directly related to Komodo, however, it's well worth a read. Medium article here:

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