Friday, April 24, 2020

Schedule 1:1 Meetings Today. Time is Limited

Register for Consensus: Distributed today
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Here's a look at the first 50 Speakers at Consensus 2020

Make a Connection.
Join the Consensus Community. 

It’s no secret. Community is the best part of Consensus. 

Join more than 5,000 attendees at Consensus: Distributed, May 11-15, 2020, and continue to push the boundaries of blockchain and crypto technology, together.

Each year thousands of leaders, experts, educators, builders, thinkers and investors descend on New York City with one mission - to pioneer the future of financial disruption. Each year we take a step further, and this year we’ll do the same. 

Grow Your Network at Consensus: Distributed 

Now is the best time to start scheduling meetings to grow your network. Our virtual event partner, Brella, helps attendees make meaningful connections by matching people based on their goals and interests. There’s no need to wait. Prepare your calendar of meetings with the most relevant partners, companies and other attendees prior to the event’s start in these three easy steps. 

Step 1. Build your registration profile 
Step 2. Review your networking matches 
Step 3. Schedule a meeting 

Complete your registration and begin. 


Companies Attending

Here’s a look at the companies ready to connect with you. 

- Accenture - Coinbase - Ledger
- ACME - CoinMarketCap - Maker Foundation
- AE Ventures - Consensys - Mastercard
- Akoin - CoolBitX - Microsoft
- Allstate - Deloitte - NEM Foundation
- Amazon Web Services - Digital Asset Network - New York Angels
- Bentley Associates - Electric Coin Company - Paxful 
- Bermuda Business Development Agency - Eterna Capital - Pinterest
- Binance - EY - Poloniex
- Block Ventures - Facebook - PwC
- BMW  - Flexa - Robinhood
- BNY Mellon - Forrester Research - Starbucks
- BOA Financial Group - Gartner - UBS
- Boeing - Gemini Trust Company - VirgoCX
- Capital One - IBM - Winklevoss Capital
- CBS - Internal Revenue Service - World Economic Forum
- ChangeNOW - KPMG
Citigroup Lambda School
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