Wednesday, April 22, 2020

UNLOCKED at Consensus Distributed - Explore Workshops

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Here's a look at the first 50 Speakers at Consensus 2020

Join Thousands of Peers Virtually

Consensus Distributed, May 11-15, 2020has already attracted more than 2,500 professionals from across the world to participate in the industry's most influential virtual experience. What are you waiting for?

UNLOCKED at Consensus 
This year, we're excited to announce UNLOCKED, a new content track giving you hands-on experience with technologies that are integral to our industry. These interactive sessions will demonstrate how to use the tech to continue experimenting on your journey in crypto. 

Experts will help answer burning questions you might have on topics including privacy, block explorers, DeFi and Lightning. Whether you're new to the space or you've been around the block a few times, this is the chance to get your questions answered on how all this technology works. 

Live coverage begins May 11 at 8:30 a.m. ET.

Create your account on Brella, our networking platform, and star the sessions you want to attend. While you're in Brella, you can also schedule 1:1 meetings with other attendees. Although we can't meet in person, that doesn't mean you shouldn't have a chance to meet members of the community. 


None of Your Business: Why Our New Virtual Lives Need Crypto Privacy
Presented by Elena Sofia Giralt — Electric Coin Company

Privacy is a ridiculously nuanced topic and even those who believe in its importance might not fully realize all the areas where it comes into play. Especially now, as people are stuck at home with only the internet to keep them connected and whole workforces start taking every aspect of their operation online, we must get privacy right. Join Electric Coin Company's Elena Sofia Giralt in this interactive exploration of privacy, how crypto can provide it and what legislation is working against it.
Web Hygiene 101: The Data Trail You're Leaving Behind and How to Clean It Up
Presented by Alex McDougall — Bicameral Ventures

Do you know how much data you're leaving behind with just a simple Google search? And do you know who's scraping up that data and making loads of money selling it to advertisers? In this interactive workshop, attendees will have a chance to see what kind of data they're leaving behind and learn some ways to take back control. Hint: Crypto can help. 
Mad Mesh: Sending Messages and Bitcoin When the World Is On Fire

Presented by Richard Myers — GoTenna

Most of us - locked in our own homes - are spending every waking minute connected to the internet. What if... that signal went dead? It's a frightening proposition that some people recently - think Venezuela, India, Iran - have had to deal with. No way to make sure their friends and family are OK and definitely no way to get money to them quick should they direly need it. Or is there? Join us for a demo of off-grid messaging technology goTenna and TxTenna, which allow users to send bitcoin without internet, followed by a Q&A with decentralized applications engineer Rich Myers. If you're a crypto survivalist, this session is for you!
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