Thursday, November 8, 2018

Governors / Hard Fork Prep / Auger / France

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$BTC (1:34 p.m. EST): $6,452.69 (-1.29%) // 90-day high: $7,382.19 // 90-day low: $5,971.14/ / More

$BCH (1:34 p.m. EST): $589.70 (-4.68%) // 90-day high: $703.41// 90-day low: $417.76 // More

$ETH (1:35 p.m. EST): $212.94 (-2.42%) // 90-day high: $365.71 // 90-day low: $171.58 // More

$LTC (1:35 p.m. EST): $53.15 (-2.21%) // 90-day high: $74.80 // 90-day low: $47.78 // More

$XRP (1:35 p.m. EST): $0.50 (-5.75%) // 90-day high: $0.61 // 90-day low: $0.26 // More

Here are the 10 most important stories about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies today

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1. The cryptocurrency market may have been a winner in the mid-term elections. Gavin Newsom and Jared Polis, who won the California and Colorado governorships respectively, are each staunch crypto supports. Polis said he wants to make Colorado a hub for blockchain and crypto technology, while Newsom has accepted bitcoin for political donations for more than four years. –MARKET WATCH

Two crypto supports elected governor
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2. Cryptocurrency exchanges are preparing for the bitcoin cash hard fork. Six of the top 10 exchanges that trade in bitcoin cash have announced plans to support the fork when it happens November 15. OKEx, Binance, Bitforex and Huobi each said they will offer support, while Coinbase was more reserved. The American exchange said it will support the current roadmap, but "in the unlikely event that multiple viable chains persist after the fork, Coinbase will ensure that customers have access to their funds on each chain." –COINDESK

Exchanges preparing for bitcoin cash hard fork
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3. Auger, the ethereum-based betting platform, recorded more than $2 million in bets during the mid-term elections. That number is a record for Auger, and falls about $1 million short of Betfair, a platform considerably older and more mainstream. Auger launched this past summer. It allows customers to make bets against one another on almost any topic, including, obviously, elections. –BITCOIN EXCHANGE GUIDE

Auger takes in record $2 million in mid-term bets
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4. French lawmakers backed a plan that would ease taxes on bitcoin sales. Bitcoin gains are currently taxed at a rate of 36.2 percent. The proposal would drop the rate to 30 percent, making it even with other forms of capital gains on non-real estate assets. The plan must be approved in the final version of the country's budget bill before it would take effect. –REUTERS

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5. Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt said the potential of ethereum is "off-the-charts" while speaking at a conference. –TOSHI TIMES

6. Venezuelan citizens traded more bitcoin than ever before in October. –BITCOINIST

7. BBVA and two partner banks have completed the first syndicated loan on the blockchain. –FINANCIAL TIMES

8. There is growing hope for a "Santa Clause Rally" for bitcoin. –BITCOINIST

9. Civic CEO Vinny Lingham bet $20,000 that the price of bitcoin will not exceed $28,000 by the end of 2019. –ETHEREUM WORLD NEWS

10. Here is a helpful explainer on the upcoming bitcoin cash hard fork and what it means for investors. –COINCENTRAL

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Written and curated by David Stegon. He has been a reporter for 15 years, the past 10 focused on technology. Follow him @davidstegon.

Editing team: Lon Harris (editor-in-chief at, game-master at Screen Junkies), Krystle Vermes (Breaking news editor at Inside, B2B marketing news reporter, host of the "All Day Paranormal" podcast), and Susmita Baral (editor at Inside, recent bylines in NatGeo, Teen Vogue, and Quartz. Runs the biggest mac and cheese account on Instagram).

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