Thursday, January 10, 2019

This Week in Technology Review - Week of January 7

MIT Technology Review
This Week in Technology Review
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Week of January 7
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Business Impact
Israel's "startup nation" is under threat from the tech giants that nurtured it
Global companies trying to tap into Tel Aviv's unique innovation ecosystem are threatening to destroy the very thing they came for.
Popular this week
Google Assistant now comes with a real-time translator for 27 languages
IBM has just unveiled this cool-looking quantum computer—but will hide it in the cloud
The government shutdown has severely weakened cybersecurity in the US
The US and China are in a quantum arms race that will transform warfare
Radar that can spot stealth aircraft and other quantum innovations could give their militaries a strategic edge.
CRISPR might soon create spicy tomatoes by switching on their chili genes
Hackers may have just stolen $1 million from the Ethereum Classic blockchain in a "51%" attack
The future of work still requires people—so stop investing in them at your own peril
Never mind killer robots—here are six real AI dangers to watch out for in 2019
Last year a string of controversies revealed a darker (and dumber) side to artificial intelligence.
In 2019, blockchains will start to become boring
After the Great Crypto Bull Run of 2017 and the monumental crash of 2018, blockchain technology won't make as much noise in 2019. But it will become more useful.
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