Tuesday, June 11, 2019

æternity Community Update - May 2019

Dear community,

The month of May saw a number of big industry and community expansion events, as well as major improvements to the core æternity protocol and developer tools.

Here is a quick rundown of last month's highlights, along with some tidbits about what the community should watch for in June.

Successful Hardfork

The scheduled Fortuna hardfork of the æternity protocol took place on June 5th and was adopted by the majority of miners. Due to its importance, it is included in the May update. The Fortuna Release incorporated the result of the first on-chain governance vote (BRI), migrated more than 72 million Ethereum AE tokens to the æternity Mainnet, and introduced Generalized Accounts (GAs). If you want to learn more about GAs, watch the short video interview on the topic.

Starfleet 2: The Aftermovie

The Starfleet 2 final demo day was the culmination of more than a week of intense workshops and presentations. The æternity Ventures team managed to capture the mood of the program in a short video clip. Watch it by clicking on the button below.

æpp and Dev Updates

Coordinators of æternity's development teams come together for an update call every Friday, and share written product updates in the Forum. Since part of the community is used to reading such reports in the Blog, a digest is shared there as well. In May, æternity's MetaMask-like browser wallet extension, state channel enhancements, Base æpp improvements, and dev suite updates were all covered in a few short blog posts. Find them in the Blog.

Donation by the æternity Crypto Foundation

Last month the æternity Crypto Foundation donated more than 16k AE tokens to AEKnow.org, a community project that aims to make essential information related to the æternity protocol available to everyone, including mining, oracles, smart contracts, and naming system data. AEKnow is also one of the best æternity blockchain explorers available. Visit it if you haven't done so already.

The Month of May Was Eventful

æternity was all over the globe in May. Here are a few photos. Click on the ones you like to learn more about the events.

æternity Crypto Foundation @ HoB Birthday

The æternity Crypto Foundation team was at the first House of Blockchain Anniversary party. Click on the photo to access the full photo album of the event that took place in Vaduz, Liechtenstein and learn how the Foundation can help you realize your blockchain-related project.

Thank You for Your Ongoing Support!

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