Monday, May 13, 2019

æternity Community Update - April 2019

Dear community,

The month of April saw a number of community initiatives, blog posts, articles, new æpps, bounties, and lots of product development.

If you haven't been following æternity's communication channels closely, this short update will help you get up-to-date with all the most important news and developments from the æternity universe in the month of April 2019.

Dive in below!

The First On-Chain Vote

The Block Reward Initiative (BRI) was announced on May 1, but since it is a historical event for the æternity movement, it earned its place in the April update. The BRI allows AE token holders to express an opinion on whether part of the block reward should be used to support the faster and long-term development of æternity. Users have until May 15 (~01:00 AM CEST) to vote with their AE tokens. Voting with AE tokens on the Ethereum network closes on May 15, 12:00 AM CEST. Voting is very easy, but if you require support, we created a BRI-dedicated topic in the Forum.

æternity Ventures: Starfleet 2 Winners

The final Starfleet 2 Demo Day took place on April 11. Eight innovative projects from around the world showcased their product ideas before an audience composed of investors, journalists, æternity team members, and experts from the European start-up ecosystem. In the end, four projects were selected to receive an investment offer by æternity Ventures and develop their decentralized apps on æternity infrastructure. Want to know who the four winners are? There is a button for that below.

æternity Joined ITSA

With the goal to develop token standards that are widely used by governments, businesses, and enterprises, æternity became a founding member of the International Token Standardization Association (ITSA). ITSA is a non-profit organization and special interest group that aims to develop and implement comprehensive market standards for the identification, classification, and analysis of cryptographic tokens.

Development Updates

In April, as in any previous month, the focus of the æternity team was on development, as well as on showcasing the advantages of the æternity platform to the public. Here are a few of the most important updates:

Even More Updates!

  • All four articles that won the Writers Contest organized in the Forum were published on the Blog. The articles answer the question, "How Will Blockchain Technology Enter the Mainstream?Read them all.
  • A social media contest dedicated to the major WeAreDevelopers event in Berlin was announced on the Blog. The prizes? Two free tickets for the world's largest developers congress.
  • Two bounties for Windows and Linux mining guides were announced with prizes in AE tokens.
  • A blog post commenting on the five major issues that companies face when trying to implement blockchain technology was shared in all communication channels.
  • The first Trivia Quiz dedicated to æternity was organized on Telegram. It was fun and educational! More trivia quizzes coming up!

æternity @ TEAMZ

Yanislav, æternity's Founder, spoke about the advantages of decentralized applications built on the æternity platform during the TEAMZ Blockchain Summit in Tokyo, Japan. Get all the details about this major event here.

Thank You for Your Ongoing Support!

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